Congress's mouth needs to be washed out with SOPA
As most of the net savvy out there in web-land know there is quite a brouhaha building over two net piracy acts currently being considered in our venerable congressional institutions. SOPA and PIPA are two separate bills under consideration by this esteemed gathering of statesmen. Unfortunately both bills are poorly grafted (surprise) and impossibly broad in scope. While I am all in favor of control the use of intellectual and artistic property, I also tend towards favoring freedom of speech and expression. The general feeling is that these bills would greatly reduce an individuals ability to express themselves, based on that I have contacted all three of my representatives on Capital Hill to express my reservations. I urge everyone else in the blogosphere to join me.
- It's easy to do type up a short, polite statement.
- Google your 3 reps (2 US Senators and one Representative)
- Visit their websites, go to their contact page and send them an email by copying and pasting.
- Your done...with time left for a nice spanking!
You can also visit this link and sign Google's petition:
Already done, hope others do it too.